- address format
- формат адреса
tag format — формат тега
format code — код формата
file format — формат файла
word format — формат слова
data format — формат данных
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology. 2005.
tag format — формат тега
format code — код формата
file format — формат файла
word format — формат слова
data format — формат данных
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology. 2005.
address format — adreso formatas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. address format vok. Adreßformat, n rus. формат адреса, m pranc. format d adresse, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
delivery address format — Address elements required by the USPS on all mailpieces that is, the intended recipient s name; either general delivery, a house or building number and street name (plus apartment/suite number, if applicable), or a post office box number or rural … Glossary of postal terms
Address (geography) — An address is a collection of information, presented in a mostly fixed format, used for describing the location of a building, apartment, or other structure or a plot of land, generally using political boundaries and street names as references,… … Wikipedia
format d'adresse — adreso formatas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. address format vok. Adreßformat, n rus. формат адреса, m pranc. format d adresse, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Format string attack — Format string attacks are a class of software vulnerability discovered around 1999. Previously thought harmless, Format string attacks can be used to crash a program or to execute harmful code. The problem stems from the use of unfiltered user… … Wikipedia
Address space layout randomization — (ASLR) is a computer security technique which involves randomly arranging the positions of key data areas, usually including the base of the executable and position of libraries, heap, and stack, in a process s address space. Benefits Address… … Wikipedia
Address Book (application) — Infobox Software name = Address Book caption = Address Book 4.1 under Mac OS X developer = Apple Inc. latest release version = 4.1.1 (696) operating system = Mac OS X genre = Software Address Book license = Proprietary website = [http://www.apple … Wikipedia
Address munging — NOTOC Address munging is the practice of disguising, or munging, an e mail address to prevent it being automatically collected and used as a target for people and organizations who send unsolicited bulk e mail. Address munging is intended to… … Wikipedia
Address Book — Carnet d adresses Pour le logiciel produit par Apple, voir Carnet d adresses (Apple). Exemple de carnet d adresses. Un carnet d adresses est un carnet … Wikipédia en Français
Address Resolution Protocol — ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) Familie: Internetprotokollfamilie Einsatzgebiet: Netzwerkadressenzuordnung ARP im TCP/IP‑Protokollstapel: Anwendung HTTP IMAP SMTP DNS … Deutsch Wikipedia
Address Generation Unit — DSP Grafikchip Ein Digitaler Signalprozessor (engl. digital signal processor, DSP) dient der kontinuierlichen Bearbeitung von digitalen Signalen (z. B. Audio oder Videosignale) durch die Digitale Signalverarbeitung. Zur Verarbeitung von analogen… … Deutsch Wikipedia